PNET (Psycho Neuro Emotional Testing) Training is a great way to get the simple training you need to learn BIOActive Nutritional Products. Keep it Simple Approach.
Dr Rose Fischer, DC, RN. Really makes it simple to learn BIOActive Nutritional Products. with her Ability to teach PNET Muscle Testing in a simple manner.
This Training is a two part Training 1- Online, 2- Hands on.
- Hands on trainings to come. Mid April will be the first date.
- Certifications awarded upon completion of two part training
- Accessing the Human Computer to determine treatment priorities. (Muscle Testing Training)
- Host: Dr. Rose Fishcer, D.C., R.N.
- CEU Acupuncture Credits applied for
Here you will have the opportunity to learn from a group of highly trained doctors on topics Such as:
1) Psycho Neuro Emotional Testing (Muscle Testing) & Certification – Rose Fischer, D.C., R.N.
- How Muscle Testing Coorelates with BIO Communications Symptoms and Electrodermal Screening Devices
- Accessing the Human Computer to determine treatment priorities and acupuncture dificiencies
- 5 Elemental Theory
PNET – How this Technique Utilizes Specific BIOActive Nutritional Protocols
- 5 Steps to Wellness BIOActive Nutritional Protocol
- BIOFlower – 12 Soverign Muscle Testing Technique for Emotional Support
2) Causes of Diseases and affects on Meridian System- Daniel G Clark, M.D. –
3) Theory of Homotoxicology – How homeopathic affect Immune Mogulation and Detoxifying Mechanisms. Use of how Homeopathic Detoxifiers & Drainers affect the meridian system – Daniel G Clark, M.D.
- Reason why our detoxifiers work better than the rest of competition out there.
4) Overview of the Clinical Appraisal Indicator (Symptom Survey) – Dana McGrady, AP, DOM
5) Zyto & EDS2000 Presentations on how we use the equipment – Dana McGrady, AP, DOM & Rose Fischer,
- How we are utilizing these devices in our practice
- Teeth Coorelation to PNET- Using the EDS 2000
Syllabus for Online training-
PNET (Psyco Neuro Emotional Testing) TRAINING Session 1 – Basic PNET Muscle Points, Functional muscle testing to determine priorities and protocols. Anatomy, Physiology & Acupuncture point locations. Review of meridians. How Nutritional supplementation affects meridian and autonomic nervous system response. assessing the affects of proper Hydration on the meridian system- Rose Fischer, D.C., R.N.
Causes of Diseases and affects on the Meridian System. Scientific Discussion – Daniel G Clark, MD – Mitochondria
PNET Training Session 2 – Neuro Endocrine Reflex Stress and acupuncture points. Poster Sets Review. Lecture & Hands On (Anatomy and Physiology – Brief discussion of the endocrine and neurological systems and related acupuncture systems)-(triple warmer, paracardium, alarm points) – Rose Fischer, D.C., R.N.
PNET TRAINING Session 3- Organ Stress Test Points, alarm points and balancing affect of supplementation on meridian systems. (Glands and Nutritional needs of each Organ System.) – Rose Fischer, D.C., R.N.
Theory of Homotoxicology – How homeopathic affect Immune Modulation and Detoxifying Mechanisms. The Use of Homeopathic Detoxifiers & Drainers affects on the meridian system. – Daniel G Clark, M.D.
PNET Training Session 4 – Chronic Degenerative Disease Points, Chinese alarm points, Neuro Vascular points, with indicator reference products challenge (Detoxifiers) and suggested Drainers affects on balancing meridian systems. – Rose Fischer, D.C., R.N.
Discussion – Overview of the Clinical Appraisal Indicator and relation to meridian and corresponding nutritional assessments. – Dana McGrady, AP, DOM
PNET Training Recap – Relationship between ZYTO software and PNET, PNET – Teeth Reference charts and its affects on the meridian and organ systems & Use in coorelations with EDS 2000 – Rose Fischer, D.C., R.N. & Dana McGrady, AP, DOM
PNET Muscle Testing Training
- Keep it Simple Approach to Training using BIOActive Nutritional Products and the PNET System.
- Online & Hands on Training included in price. (Dates TBD)
- Certification upon Completion.